Beibei Song / 宋贝贝
China Associate
The Founder, Host and Executive Producer of Essinova (, an Internet TV channel and community for life science and cleantech innovation.
Since its founding in 2008, Essinova has produced 300+ executive interviews, video reports, technology and product showcases, corporate videos, investor pitches, event videos, animation and other multi-media content focusing on these industries and the underlying health, environmental and sustainability issues.
Essinova’s subject matter expertise, broadcast quality production, broad network and multi-cultural understanding have won rave reviews from clients, partners and members. Many of Essinova’s productions are bi-lingual in English and Chinese.
Ms. Song started Essinova with a variety of experiences in multiple industries, including health care, high tech, and financial services, in the U.S., Europe and Greater China. Immediately prior, she served as an industry research and business development consultant assisting biopharmaceutical and medical device clients ranging from multinationals to small international startups.
Previously, at Intuit Inc., she managed the execution of multi-million dollar contracts distributing the company’s new online products, and managed business relationships with strategic partners such as AOL.
At Citigroup, she was a senior account officer of the Global Technology Group, providing banking solutions to multinational IT industry customers. She also monitored technology trends and macro-economic situations in emerging markets.
Ms. Song’s earlier career focused on international business law. As an arbitrator associate for China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, she facilitated resolution of legal disputes arising from international trade transactions, foreign direct investments, financing deals and construction projects.
Ms. Song holds an M.B.A. from Stanford University Graduate School of Business, and a B.S. from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.
She was licensed to practice law as an attorney in China and held an NASD registered broker / dealer license in the U.S.. Currently she is a certified interpreter for California Superior Courts.
Ms. Song has traveled extensively in North America, Asia, and Europe. Her other personal interests include Argentine tango, photojournalism, swimming, tennis, indie filmmaking, painting, science, philosophy and psychology.
宋贝贝是 Essinova (的创始人、主持人和执行监制。Essinova 是生命科学和环境科技领域的网上电视和社区。从2008年成立以来,Essinova已制作、播放300多片精英采访、公司宣传片、投资项目推介、产品展示、科技可视化、会议视频及其它针对 这些行业的多媒体内容。利用其专业知识的雄厚,高创意、高质量的制作,逐渐扩大的合作网 络,及多文化的视角,Essinova将创新理念、技术、产品和方法高效表达并传播, 赢得客户、合作伙伴和会员的广泛赞誉。 Essinova的很多节目以中、英文双语制作、播放。
Essinova的创建,基于宋贝贝在美国、中国和欧洲涉足国际经济、金融、高科技和医药保健等多个行业的多种职务经验。90年代初,她协助中国国际贸易促进委员会国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁或调解解决了50多宗国际贸易、外资投资、融资及建设项目中的法律争议。 来美深造从斯坦福大学商学院毕业以后,她先是就职于花旗银行, 在其旧金山和伦敦分部,作为“环球科技组”的高级客户官,为跨国科技产业的客户提供银行业务,同时观察、研究新兴市场的经济动向和科技趋势。之后她加入硅谷著名个人财务软件公司Intuit,为公司的网上新产品执行几百万美元的分销合同, 管理与“美国在线”(AOL)等策略合作伙伴之间的业务关系。2000年代中期,宋贝贝开始尝试创业。 首先协助中小企业进行中、美之间业务开发,之后专门在医药和医疗器械领域从事行业调研和国际业务开发的服务, 客户既有跨国公司,也有初创企业。2008年,宋贝贝决定结合自己的专业背景和个人爱好,创立了Essinova。
宋贝贝拥有斯坦福大学的工商管理硕士学位,及中国对外经济贸易大学的经济学士学位。她曾持有中国律师执照和在美国纳斯达克注册的证券交易执照。 目前仍持有加州高等法院颁发的认证译员执照。
宋贝贝酷爱旅行,足迹遍布北美、欧洲和亚洲。 其它个人爱好包括阿根廷探戈、摄影、游泳、网球、独立电影制作、绘画、科学、哲学和心理学。