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Dorade Return to Blue Water

David Perry & Associates, Inc. is delighted and honored to represent the esteemed Breast Cancer Emergency Fund ( and promote the 15th anniversary now-iconic “This Old Bag” fundraise. Since 2001, the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund has been the only Bay Area organization dedicated to providing emergency financial assistance to low-income women and men battling breast cancer. To date, the organization has delivered over $3,500,000 in quick, compassionate care to help reduce financial hardship, improve quality of life and enable people focus on their health and their families.

Many people with breast cancer have inadequate or no health insurance. Most will be unable to work throughout their treatment, adding a huge financial toll to an already difficult struggle. The fast and early intervention by the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund prevents financial deterioration and provides a sense of security during a devastating illness. The organization helps people in need continue life-extending medical treatments, avoid utility shut-off, prevent eviction and maintain stable housing while they battle breast cancer.

The Breast Cancer Emergency Fund envisions a healthcare environment in which, one day, everyone will have access to the best medical care available regardless of ability to pay – and within a continuum of care safety net that eradicates fear of financial ruin.

The Breast Cancer Emergency Fund does not receive City, State or Federal funds. 100% of our funding is from private foundations, corporations and individuals. It is a tax-exempt non-profit organization.

Breast Cancer Emergency Fund

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