Annual IGLTA Convention Rescheduled for Fall 2020
Media contacts:
(Italy) Letizia Strambi / 0039 3339579055 / info@letiziastrambi.com
David Perry & Associates, Inc. (415) 676-7007 / news@davidperry.com
Annual IGLTA Convention Rescheduled for Fall 2020
“Milano loves you… more than ever!”
11 March 2020 – Milan, Italy: The International Lesbian & Gay Travel Association (IGLTA) Annual Global Convention, previously scheduled to take place in Italy in May, has been rescheduled to the fall of this year.
“It will be even better than before, and a celebration of Italian resiliency,” says Alessio Virgili, ILGTA committee chair and president of the Italian Gay & lesbian Tourism Association (AITGL). “I especially want to thank the Italian Tourist Board and Municipality of Milan for their support in these challenging times. There are no travel leaders more resilient, fearless and confident than those who belong to the ILGTA. Since COVID-19 and current government travel restrictions make short-term planning untenable, we have decided to postpone until autumn. The health and safety of everyone involved is our paramount concern right now, and always.”
According to Virgili, as soon as possible, new dates will be announced, based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization and in harmony with Italian Government regulatory measures.
“Since the beginning of the outbreak, we have been working day and night,” said Virgili who has been planning the conclave for two years in concert with the Italian Tourist Board (ENIT), The City of Milan, the United States Consulate, the Sonders & Beach Group and the Italian Gay & Lesbian Travel Association (AITGL).
“I am convinced that this will be a beautiful event,” Virgili added. “September and October are wonderful months in Italy. Moreover, we will keep the program as originally planned, fully committed to growing LGBT business and travel opportunities.”
Since 1983, the annual International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) convention has been a prestigious international event for the world’s major tourism brands that interact with the LGTBQ+ market. The presence of professionals from all over the world is a moment of great visibility and pride for the host country. Having not been in Europe for six years, the highly anticipated event returns to Italy this year. Representatives of hotel chains, buyers, travel agents, tour operators, influencers and media will meet in Italy with over 720 specialized international stakeholders, representing over 400 million Euros in business every year.
According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), there are over 35 million LGBTQ+ tourists who travel every year. According to UNWTO studies, LGBTQ+ tourists travel more frequently and spend more than non-gay travellers. It has been calculated that the LGBTQ+ market segment generates $ 211 billion a year for the global economy.
In addition to showcasing LGBTQ+ tourist offerings in Italy, the Convention represents an extraordinary opportunity for the promotion of Milan, and by extension northern and all of Italy.
“Educational panels, training sessions, networking opportunities and professional experiences will be featured as Italy shows a renewed face to the world,” says Virgili. “I am confident that the IGLTA will have largest convention ever held outside the United States. We look forward to seeing you in Italy this fall. Ciao!”