Author David Perry presents his Novel at Orvieto City Hall
Author David Perry presents his Novel at Orvieto City Hall
29 August 2022 — Orvieto News: On Friday, August 26, author David Eugene Perry read from and did a presentation of his award winning novel “Upon This Rock”, inspired by and set in Orvieto. The event was at the invitation of Orvieto’s Mayor. Currently, “Upon This Rock” is being developed as a screenplay which Perry hopes will result in a film being made of the book sometime in the next few years. Also this year, Perry and his publisher, Pace Press of California, are looking for Italian publishing partners to produce the book in Italian.
During the event, Perry read sections from three chapters, including a paean to Orvieto during the time of Medici Pope Clement VII, a chapter that local business owner, Massimo Aloisio of Orogami, translated and read in Italian to the delight of the large crowd gathered in the Council Chamber of the Orvieto City Hall. In Orvieto, the book can also be purchased / ordered at both Libreria Valente on the Corso and at Libreria Sovrappensieri in Piazza del Fanello, Ciconia. It is also available online via Amazon. Learn more about Perry’s book at

(Photos by Alfredo Casuso)