Global event heads unite
Global event heads unite
London, July 12, 2022: A focused group of senior event leaders has today announced a new collaboration for the global events industry in the form of the Event Leaders Exchange (ELX).
ELX is a community of practice including sharing of best practices, industry research, networking and industry initiatives and to-date, ELX members have held sessions on critical topics such as DEI and sustainability to find immediate and realistic paths forward that can be shared across corporations. Meetings are held throughout the year both in-person and via cross industry virtual sessions with all content, discussions and approach shaped by its impressive steering committee. The steering group features senior event leaders from the likes of McDonald’s, Microsoft, Siemens, Cisco Systems and Wolters Kulwer.
This initiative is the brainchild of some large corporate leaders and is organized and facilitated by veterans Kimberly Meyer, David Kliman, Chloe Richardson and Mark Brewster. First meetings were held in September 2021 with a series of invitation-only think tanks to support c-suite event professionals navigating the evolution of events taking place post-pandemic.
Angie Ahrens, director of global events for MRI Software comments:
“I really love being part of the ELX, it’s an opportunity for all of us to get together and strategize for the future and create content for the now and tomorrow.”
In addition to the existing hot topics of DEI and sustainability, upcoming ELX sessions will center around other pressing challenges such as people and culture and benchmarking. The group will also begin commissioning proprietary research and conducting benchmarking shortly. All conversations take place under the Chatham House Rule to promote open and honest discussions which members maintain is the key value unique to the network.
Kimberly Meyer, ELX co-founder says:
“ELX is clearly a place where the leaders of corporate programs can get candid insights, ideas and support from other leaders navigating major meeting and event portfolios. And together, we’ll be able to drive some important initiatives forward across the industry in weeks, not years. To do this effectively, ELX will remain invitation-only to corporate senior meeting & event leaders.”
Georg P. Huber, director of central event management, Allianz AG Germany adds:
“The ELX are leaders from across industries sharing experiences and showcasing solutions for challenges we all see in our everyday business. The group culture and cross border network is the perfect host I am glad to be part of.”
For more information about ELX www.eventleaders.com
If you’d like to contact the team: contact@eventleaders.com
For all media enquiries please contact k.whatley@explori.com