Palm Springs “Retail Shop Local” Campaign
Media contact: David Perry & Associates, Inc. / David Perry (415) 676-7007 / news@davidperry.com
(Updated 5/22/20 – 5pm)
WHAT: Palm Springs “Retail Shop Local” Campaign
10% of proceeds benefit the Palm Springs Animal Shelter
Promoted by Main Street Palm Springs & Palm Springs Retailers
WHEN: Saturday, Sunday, Monday: May 23 – 25, 2020, Times: Various
WHERE: Downtown & Uptown Palm Springs participating retailers
WHO: (Participants alphabetically as of 5/22/20 — 5pm)
Baby La La
British Invasion Clothing
Christopher Kennedy
Crystal Fantasy
Destination PSP
Marianne of Palm Springs
Michael Weems Gallery
Mitchells Palm Springs
Modern Travel of Palm Springs
Oooh La La
Puppy La La
Running Wild
SHAG Store Palm Spring
Shoe La LaWil Stiles Palm Springs
Wabi Sabi Japan Living
Il Giardino
SOCIAL: #SafeInPalmSprings
WHY: This is an opportunity for the Palm Springs community to come together again (via physical distance from their car) and support struggling small businesses that have been compliant with the Shelter-In-Place over the past two months and can now engage in Curbside Pick-Up. Additionally, retailers are delighted to support the Palm Springs Animal Shelter and provide a 10% donation of the weekend’s sales to assist such a great local organization.
QUOTE: “The retail community in Palm Springs, and country-wide, has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic and also by the understandable business shut-down. While we are totally supportive of our state, county and local government and health officials, we look forward to the day when we can once again welcome customers back fully into our stores. Until that day, we’re grateful for this opportunity to highlight our curbside retail options. We want to remind shoppers that we’ll soon be back in business as a vital part of the Palm Springs community.”
– Joy Meredith, President, Main Street Palm Springs
“The State of California has allowed non-essential retail to do curbside delivery and the City of Palm Springs advocated for and fully supports that decision. Per State rules, please order by phone or online and then you can have your items delivered to your car curbside or pick them up at the store’s door. If you are picking something up, you need to wear a mask and practice six-foot social distancing from others waiting to pick up their items pursuant to City rules to protect the public health. We look forward to the day, hopefully soon, when all of our retail and small businesses will fully open for business. This effort helps us get there.”
– Geoff Kors, Mayor of the City of Palm Springs
Palm Springs COVID-19 Protocols and Resources:
The City of Palm Springs recently amended several emergency City orders related to COVID-19 as a way to fill gaps left by the County of Riverside’s rescission of its orders. Here is an update (links to orders in orange below and item and page number if required).
NOTE: In store shopping is allowed only for businesses that the State of California State has designated as essential such as groceries, doctors officers and pharmacies. No in-store shopping is yet allowed for non essential retail at this time by order of the Governor.
Face CoveringsMUST be worn at all open businesses and in all other public settings when 6 feet distancing is not possible.
Examples include:
• Waiting in line to go inside a store
• Shopping at a store
• Picking up food at a restaurant
• Picking up retail goods at a retail store that is allowed to be open
• On public transportation (or waiting for it)
• In a taxi or rideshare vehicle
• Seeking healthcare
• Going into facilities allowed to stay open
• Working an essential job that interacts with the public
Face coverings are no longer required to be worn by people who are outside walking, golfing, playing tennis, pickleball, hiking, bicycling or running. However, people must comply with social distancing during these activities, including maintaining at least 6 feet of distance from other people. People should also have a face covering readily accessible.